Tuesday, 30 January 2007

concerts of video game music

On 2 Jun this year, the (Swedish, I assume) Royal Philharmonic will give a concert in Stockholm Concert Hall. Nothing weird about that. What is unusual is the repertoire:

"PLAY! A Video Game Symphony Concert

Play! is a tribute to video game music, a concert tour in which symphony orchestras the world over perform music from well-known video games. During the concert, memorable sequences from games will be shown on big screens.

Music from twenty or so well-known games: Castlevania, The Revenge of Shinobi, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and The Darkness.

The Royal Philharmonic under the direction of Arnie Roth, chief conductor and producer of Play!"


Unfortunately I don't know these games. What's going through my head is the Sonic tune, the sound effects from handheld Gameboys, that kind of thing. If fact, now I think about it, I usually turn off the music in video games and just keep the sound effects. I'm not sure why--perhaps because I find it distracting?

Anyway, this concert series bears thinking about. I'm guessing it's a way to draw new audiences into classical music. I wonder if it will work?

1 comment:

the improvising guitarist said...

The whole project has its home at play-symphony.com. Not much more info there though….